After-school activities in basic education are organised after the school day for 1st- and 2nd-graders and pupils requiring special-needs support. The application period for the activities is in the spring semester.

- After-school activities provide the child with meaningful activities after the school day in a safe environment, at school or near the school.
- After-school activities are not available during school holidays or on exceptional school days falling on Saturdays.
- After-school activities start on the first day of the study year and continue until the end of the study year.

Warm welcome to Linguajoy Afterschool Activities
Linguajoy is a service provider of afterschool activities in basic education in Helsinki. Afterschool activities are based on the values and goals defined by the basic education law.

Linguajoy Active English afternoon consists of outdoor and indoor sports, homework corner, inspirational games, play, music, creative arts and science projects, fieldtrips, fun English language immersion and cultural workshops in e.g. Chinese, and Spanish.

Our afternoons also include the possibility to relax and unwind after a busy day at school.

Linguajoy afterschool allows children to develop their international language and communications skills.

We most warmly invite every child to join the language activities as well as encourage practicing daily English essentials with lovely multilingual instructors.
Kindly do note that afterschool main operating language in Helsinki is Finnish, but language immersion is a key feature and addition to the children’s afternoon experience.
Application period / study year 2025-2026:
March 17 – April 16, 2025
Helsinki City is in charge of allocating the places. The decisions will be posted to guardians by 1 July 2025. After-school activities are subject to a fee, which includes a snack and insurance. The monthly fee in Helsinki is EUR 100 for activities ending at 16.00 and EUR 120 for activities ending at 17.00. You can apply for reduction of or exemption from the fee based on your income.
Apply for Afterschool activities in 2025-2026Linguajoy Afterschool units 2024-2025: Vattuniemi (Lauttasaari), Katajanokka and Punavuori (Tehtaankatu)

VATTUNIEMI PRIMARY SCHOOL IN LAUTTASAARI. Address: Vattuniemenkuja 4, 00210 Helsinki.
Linguajoy Afterschool Activities clubroom is located at Vattuniemi Primary School, where we also enjoy our daily snack. Further information on Linguajoy Afterschool in Vattuniemi: Maija Jaskara,, tel. +358 41 3111052. Direct contact, Afterschool team in Vattuniemi:, tel. 041-317 5855 (daily operating hours 12-5pm)

TEHTAANKATU PRIMARY SCHOOL. Address: Tehtaankatu 15, 00140 Helsinki.
Linguajoy Afterschool clubroom is located at Tehtaankatu Primary School, where we also enjoy our daily snack. Further information on Linguajoy Afterschool Activities: Maija Jaskara,, tel. +358 41 3111052. Direct contact to team-Linguajoy in Punavuori/Tehtaankatu, tel. 044-978 3710 (daily operating hours 12-5pm)

KATAJANOKKA PRIMARY SCHOOL. Address: Laivastokuja 6, 00160 Helsinki.
Linguajoy Afterschool clubroom is located at Katajanokka Primary School, where we also enjoy our daily snack. Further information on Linguajoy Afterschool in Katajanokka Maija Jaskara:, Maija Jaskara tel. +358 41 3111052. Direct contact to team-Linguajoy at Katajanokka Telephone: 044-975 3466 (daily operating hours 12-5pm).
Linguajoy Afterschool 2025-2026 I New location I Ressu Comprehensive School (Kamppi)
RESSU COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL. Address: Lapinlahdenkatu 10, 00180 Helsinki.
Linguajoy Afterschool clubroom is located at Ressu Comprehensive School, where we also enjoy our daily snack. Further information on Linguajoy Afterschool at Ressu, Service Manager Maija Jaskara:, Maija Jaskara tel. +358 41 3111052. Direct contact to team-Linguajoy at Ressu, email: Telephone: 041-315 2371 (daily operating hours 12-5pm).

Linguajoy will also be providing Private Afterschool Activities in Punavuori in 2025-2026 for children in Primary School Grades 1 to 4.
Our clubroom is by M. Agricola Church, at address Tehtaankatu 23, 00150 Helsinki, where we have daily access to a wonderful clubroom as well as a spacious gym. Further information on the Private Linguajoy Afterschool in Punavuori: Maija Jaskara,, tel. 041-311 1052.
Visit: Linguajoy Private Afterschool Punavuori 2024-2025
Lämpimästi tervetuloa Linguajoy iltapäivätoimintaan!
You’re most warmly welcome to Linguajoy Afterschool Activities!
Hjärtligt välkommen till Linguajoy Eftis!