
Linguajoy offers immersive and engaging language learning experiences for children aged 2-14 years old, in a positive, encouraging and inspiring atmosphere. Through our exciting, multi-sensory curriculum, students can genuinely explore and learn languages through fun games, arts, science, music, movement, and drama.

Lovely native teachers ensure students receive an authentic experience in pronunciation as well as culture.

Linguajoy Family Club is a gentle and wonderful way to open a young child’s language path, with help of music, rhythm and rhyme, crafts and play. The main emphasis is on development of oral language skills by building foundation of key vocabulary and versatile communicative phrases. For school aged children, the courses are an engaging and efficient to way further boost language skills development and preparedness for international interactions. At advanced level courses, we will focus on all the more challenging interaction situations as well as reading and writing-related activities. 

Linguajoy language courses meet once per week for 45 minutes, at daycares, primary schools, community houses, Linguajoy language centre and Online / Live!

You’re most warmly welcome onboard Linguajoy Language Courses and Linguajoy Summer Camps! We are so excited to embark on this language-learning Lingua-journey together with you! 

If you have any questions about our upcoming language courses, check out our answers to some of the most frequently asked questions:

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How strict are the recommended age limits for the children’s language courses? My child will be three years old in a couple of months. Could they still join the club for 3-5 year olds?

The age limits are there only as an indication of who the group will be more appropriately suited to. We warmly welcome children who may be a little bit younger than the recommended age limit.

As a parent, you will be able to assess your child’s readiness to begin learning a new skill within a group setting, as each unique and individual child progresses at their own pace.

We also always try to be flexible and accommodating by allowing siblings to join the same language path, even if they are a bit younger, so that the language and cultural experience becomes a shared family adventure.

2. Do you offer any trial sessions or introductory classes for new students?

If you have not joined a Linguajoy Language Course before, it is absolutely possible to have a one-time free trial lesson to see if the course is a good fit! For additional information or to book a trial lesson please contact us:, or tel. 041-319 6675.

3. Can the child’s parent(s) be present and participate in the language course lessons?

With our younger language club members, we like to take things one step at a time and ease them into the new environment in a gentle way. Sometimes at the very beginning of the course, having a loved one in the background for moral support can help the child relax and take in the new atmosphere.

However, through our years of experience holding language courses, even after only a few lessons, even the youngest children become familiar and comfortable with the teacher and classroom (even running in with excitement!).

So parents can take it easy and have a breather while the children participate in the lesson alone. Usually, without parents in the room, the children’s focus on the learning experience is more effective and immersive. If there are many adults in the room, the focus may be shifted, affecting the language learning process. 

4. Is it possible to join a language course in the middle of the school year?

Yes, it is definitely possible to join a course in the middle of the school year, so long as there is space available in the group. The structure of the language courses make it easy to join a language pathway at any point.

Please note, that if you join later in the study year, you will only need to pay for the remaining lesson hours, not the full semester. Before enrolling to reserve a place, please contact us at, or tel. 041-319 6675 so that we can give you a code to calculate the price for the remaining hours.

5. How do I know if there is space available on a specific course?

The Linguajoy Office will be happy to clarify these details for you, so if you have such a query, please contact us at or tel. 041-319 6675.

6. What should I expect from the children’s language courses?

Here at Linguajoy, we offer immersive and engaging English language learning experiences for children, through our functional, multi-sensory curriculum. Children can explore and learn languages through fun games, play, arts & crafts, music, movement, and drama.

Alongside our lovely native-language teachers, we nurture a positive and uplifting atmosphere, while also providing an authentic experience in pronunciation as well as culture. For our younger groups, the aim of the lessons is to develop one’s oral language skills by building a strong foundation of key vocabulary and versatile communicative phrases.

Within our school-age groups the focus is to further improve students’ oral language skills by nurturing the courage to speak and by creating a strong foundation in international interactions and presentation skills. As the semester progresses, we will begin to target more challenging interactional circumstances, in addition to reading and writing-related activities.

Taste of Linguajoy.

7. Should we bring anything with us to the language course?

All of the teaching materials for the language course are provided by our teachers, so you don’t need to worry about anything besides a mind ready to learn!

Of course, please feel free to bring comfortable indoor slippers if you wish. For our Active English courses, we highly recommend wearing comfortable indoor sports clothes and a small water bottle.

8. What can we do to prepare for the start of the language course?

Innostava matka vieraiden kielten ja kulttuurien parissa on käynnistymässä. On hyvä hieman ennakkoon muistutella pian alkavasta kielikurssista. Kotona voidaan kuunnella kohdekielen musiikkia, katsella televisio-ohjelmia tai lukea kirjoja, jotka ovat oivallinen keino herätellä kielikorvaa.

Kurssipaikalle on hyvä tulla ajoissa, jolloin ehditte rauhassa tutustua opettajaan ja luokkatilaan. Lapset ja nuoret omaksuvat uuden kielen toiminnallisesti, toiston kautta, usein jopa huomaamattaan.

Kurssin jälkeen kannattaa kysyä avoimesti: ”Mitä teitte kurssilla tänään..?” ja antaa lapsen kertoa omin sanoin asioista, jotka hän on kokenut merkitykselliseksi.

9. When do the Linguajoy Language courses meet? Are there any breaks?

The Linguajoy academic year begins at the end of August and continues in accordance with the academic year of elementary schools and national holidays. The autumn break is celebrated in the middle of October (week 42) and the Christmas break begins on the 23.12. The spring semester begins after the Epiphany which is then later followed by the Ski Holiday which is celebrated alongside the Winter Holiday week of Southern Finland in February (week 8).

On Maundy Thursday, only the courses that occur during the day proceed as normal, however, the evening courses will not run. The Easter Holiday is celebrated on Good Friday, Easter Saturday and Easter Monday so no courses will run on these days either.

Additionally, much like on Maundy Thursday, day-time language courses meet as normal on May Day, while the evening classes do not. Labour Day (1.5) is a national holiday, as is Shrove Thursday, so there are no classes or open office hours on these days.

10. Why start a foreign language hobby for your child so early?

Did you know that the language-learning sensitivity period is a unique neuro-linguistic phase in which children’s minds are more open to new languages, as their brains are able to more easily retain new language information? Even at six months of age, there is enormous intrinsic motivation and capacity to learn a language well.

Functional play, stories, nursery rhymes and melodic songs support children’s abilities to explore new languages. As children grow, this intense developmental phase begins to slowly fade, as the process of lateralisation begins to take place.

By this time, the sensitivity period is no longer a factor to help accelerate language learning. Post-lateralisation it is also more difficult to achieve a genuine accent and to need to study may seem more laborious. For this reason, it is advisable to introduce foreign languages as early as possible, when learning is easy, fun and beneficial! To learn more visit the Linguajoy blog: “Fun is the limit in language learning with children” – Professor Minna Huotilainen”